Educational Methodology

At IDEA we build strong professional skills!

We apply an open model of Education and Training using Information and Communication Technologies, based on the most up-to-date scientific data in the field of Adult Education at European level.

With 30+ years of experience in the field of Lifelong Learning and Training, we design and implement innovative training programmes that provide trainees with strong “professional qualifications” as defined by the Council of Europe.

The Training Methods we choose are in full compliance with the European Union directives as set out in the COUNCIL RECOMMENDATION of 24 November 2020 on Vocational Education and Training (VET) for sustainable competitiveness, social justice and resilience (2020/C 417/01) as well as the Commission Communication “A Union of Equality: Strategy for Gender Equality 2020-2025”.

” High quality and innovative vocational education and training systems provide people with skills for work, personal development and citizenship, which help them to
 adapt to and deliver on the twin digital and green transitions, to cope with emergency situations and economic shocks, while also supporting economic growth and social cohesion.”

on vocational education and training (VET) for sustainable competitiveness,
social justice and resilience

Official Journal of the European Union, 2.12.2020, C 417/1

IDEA programmes are delivered through an appropriate combination of open, digital and participatory learning environments that are conducive to learning as they are supported by:

  • innovative pedagogical methods and tools
  • ICT-based simulators
  • accessibility technology

In the context of improving and upgrading our training programmes, we are conducting studies to integrate new tools into the IDEA training model, such as:

  • virtual and augmented reality
  • interdisciplinary learning and work-based learning
  • artificial intelligence


Assistive Technology products and services are designed and manufactured taking into account specific usage scenarios that vary by disability category. In this case we consider the following three general categories of disability:

Our aim is therefore to provide information systems whose functionalities and content remain accessible to people with the above categories of disability.

As a result of the above, the offered platform and its individual information systems provide:

  • Ability to increase or decrease the size of the displayed text
  • Provide description text to visual elements (alt text description)
  • Ensure a high level of colour contrast in individual interface environments:
    • text against background in content
    • text against a background on controls (e.g. buttons)
    • differentiating colours to indicate the status of a control (e.g. hover, active, pressed)
    • hyperlink highlighting
  • Text describing controls (e.g. buttons)
  • Logical layout of the interface to facilitate serial reading of the content and serial navigation through it or through the individual functions of the information systems
  • Ability to use the interface using alternative pointing / navigation devices (trackballs, surface pads, joysticks, etc.)
  • Interface readability at 200% magnification.

The use of the offered functions is not based on instructions based on specific shapes, sizes, colours or location of interface elements (and does not require the ability to recognise them). The use of the offered functions is not done following instructions based on audio messages or audio alerts. The interface remains readable regardless of the screen orientation.

Bibliography: e-Accessibility and Disability, Dr. Ioannis Bastdekis, National Confederation of People with Disabilities (E.S.A.A.M.A.), Athens 2013

Integrated System of Online-training

At IDEA we provide access to an Integrated Online-training System, which will be available to all trainees throughout the implementation of each project. Through the Integrated Online-training System, trainees are provided with access to digital educational material, and at the same time it is possible for them to attend online courses (synchronous online-training). The Integrated Online-training System provides high quality conventional educational material (hard copy/pdf/e-books) and high quality digital educational material (“digital library”).

The interface of the Integrated Information System of Online-Training will be in Greek. The system ensures full compliance with the specifications of the international standard Sharable Content Object Reference Model – SCORM and ensures accessibility to People with Disabilities.

SCORM Specifications

  • purely web-based application
  • does not require users/administrators to install any additional software package
  • Moodle platform v.3.x
  • specifications for accessibility by People with Disabilities

Moodle can function as a complete, integrated educational process management system that inherently contains:

– Learning Management System (LMS)
– Learning Management System (LCMS)
–  Course Development  Authoring Tool

Extra content:

  • Language / Multilingual Support
  • Course management
  • Glossary – Dictionary


According to the EU Commission and the EU Department of Employment, Social Affairs & Inclusion around “87 million people in the EU have some form of disability” however “only half of persons with disabilities are employed compared to 3 in 4 persons without disabilities”.

At IDEA, we are working to provide Persons with Disabilities with access to Vocational Education and Training opportunities in order to empower them in terms of employability. We place particular emphasis on designing physical, digital, as well as hybrid learning environments that are accessible to Persons with Disabilities. We are fully committed in ensuring the same user experience for all trainees and providing a friendly and accessible training experiences for all learners.

The main accessibility pillars of the systems and digital content offered at IDEA are the following:

  • content and individual controls of any interface are presented to all end-users in ways that are understandable to them.
  • the elements of the interface environments as well as any navigation procedures remain functional and usable by all users.
  • the displayed content and the set of functionalities remain comprehensible to all users.

All of the above axes aim to provide enhanced support for learners with disabilities and maximise access to online systems and content.